Thursday, May 30, 2013

Karoline Eddy

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Miss Ione Carl

"Miss Ione Carl (star) handles eight large male lions in a most remarkable manner, also does a wrestling act with a full-grown Bengal tiger -- absolutely fearless, adds tone wherever she appears, a cheerful worker, a delightful friend, and destined for great things in the circus world."

Clint E. Berry
November 12, 1927

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dog Is Buddy Of Tiger Cubs In Detroit Zoo

Theodor Schröder, Detroit Zoological park's head keeper, 
with Diamond, a nondescript dog, and his pal, Darling, a tiger cub.

In competition with such jungle attractions as lions, giraffes and elephants, the most popular performer at the Detroit zoo this season has been a nondescript dog. His name is Diamond and he spends his days paling around with a pair of tiger cubs in a dog and (jungle) cat act that came about rather by accident.
A tiger cub, presented to the zoo by Harry H. Bennett, personnel director of the Ford Motor Co., was pining away from lonesomeness last spring. As a temporary experiment, the dog was obtained from a pound to be a playmate. They became such fast friends that they refused to be parted when two other tiger cubs arrived.
Diamond and Darling, the cub, were so inconsolable when apart that Theodor Schröder, head keeper, finally returned Diamond to the cage with the three tiger cubs. Schröder had some misgivings, but they proved to be unfounded. Diamond soon was as friendly with the newcomers as he had been with Darling. The only member of the strange quartet to suffer was one of the tiger cubs, which fell dead of excitement during a particularly violent romp one day.
Just as a precaution, Diamond is removed from the cage at night. there is no mistaking his joy and that of the tiger cubs, when they are reunited in the morning. All day long they romp and tussle, with an occasional time out for napping, curled up against each other. "There is nothing in the entire zoo that has come near this feature in interest and popularity," says Schröder.